Moergenthaler Alber Baur Sigg Launer Koeger Steiner

Kováč Family
Here the Western European character set is used, therefore some Czech character are not reproduced correctly.

The Kováč family came from Czechia. The family research of this family is still fragmentary. The earliest to-date found Kováč of this family is Jana (Johann) Kováč, he was innkeeper in Vyhnánic. His wife became Kateřiny Panské aus Swinek (Svinky).

Son František, baronial blacksmith in Štĕkni (Steken), married Matĕje Dvořáka (Maria Dvorak) from Steken. Their son Tomáš (Thomas) was baptized in Steken on March 9, 1865. As gardener and blacksmith he followed his lord of the manor to Zastávka (Segen Gottes). There Terezie Urbánkova, born 1867 in Tĕšovice (Tesovice bei Prachatice), became his wife, she died, however, already in 1913.

Their daughter Terezie Kováč (Kováčova) was born in Segen Gottes on Sept. 12, 1905. She married František (Franz) Launer in Brno (Brünn) on November 4, 1927. She died in Brünn in 1941 due to sepsis after a caesarian section at the birth of her second child.


More genealogical informations on the Kováč family [here...]