The genealogical research supplies within various disciplines of the historical sciences a personal access, as each family, each family member is affiliated with the history or is a part of the history, respectively. The occupation with the history of the family, the genealogical research, aims at first to identify names and data of persons who are related to each other. Starting from the family thus the parents and their children is to verify the pedigree of individual persons (Filiation). There are two direction in genealogical research the ancestors research and the descendants of a person.
For various reasons drove me to genealogical research. As my father was a missing soldier as the end of World War II in April 1945, I was interested in all my father's things available since I was a young boy. Among other things there were the results of his genealogical research of his own family which were penciled very exactly in a circular chart partially with more then 10 generations and also documented in a pedigree. In meantime also the family of my mother became so large that it was difficult for me to enumerate al names of my cousins or their children without intense think over.
To avoid a imbalance in the genealogical research for my children I simultaneously started with the genelogical research on their mother's or my wife's family, respectively. The genealogical research of the family of my wife's father, however, which came from Moravia, proved to be as very difficult as it is not easy to look at the corresponding parish register or the correlating microfilms are not available yet.
As above mentioned, there are two basic ways in doing family research: Ancestor research and the descendant research of a person. In the first case the purpose of genealogical research is to string the generations of parents, grandparents, great grandparents, in the second case to string the generations of the children without any gap over an period of time as much as possible. There is the possibilty to gather all ancestors and all descendants, or only a certain portion is regarded. This can be a standard sequence of male descendant of a primogenitor carrying the family's name e.g., his children, the children of the sons, the children of the grandsons etc.
Under the present homepage all in my genealogical research investigated direct ancestors are listed - male and female ancestors. Due to the EU and German Federal Data Protection Law this listing starts with the great grandparents of my children. Therefore the direct ancestors of 8 families are listed in this webpage.
My genealogical research is not limited only on the direct ancestors it covers also their children and grandchildren and more. I will share these results, however, only within the context of a personal contact under researchers*. To get more genealogical informations on the reported families is the main reason for the creation of this Homepage.
The informations received by those contacts will be kept in confidence according to the EU law on data protection and privacy from May 2018, with the only exception that those informations are approved for exchange with other genealogist.
The personal data are created by using the american programm Family Tree Maker, during transfering the data the german umlauts (of the vowels) are partially disappeared, the listing and the spelling of the descendant are mostly without umlauts (english spelling).
I'm a member of the "Vereins für Familien- und Wappenkunde in Württemberg und Baden e.V., Stuttgart", a club with the aims of genealogical and heraldic research.
Klaus Mörgenthaler